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Assalamu Alaykum,

(peace be upon you)

AUMSA strives to make university a pleasurable experience for students by fulfilling their spiritual, academic and social needs. We unite people from different ethnicities, cultures, and faiths to embark on this journey and face challenges of university life together.

Home: Welcome

"Spread peace amongst yourselves"

- Holy Prophet Muhammad (ï·º)

To spread salam (peace) develops our capacity to have true and open relationships with others. It also means to orient ourselves towards the fundamental goodness that exists buried within all things, and to the Source of all goodness itself. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)  praised salam so highly and it still remains a fundamental practice of the Islamic tradition.

Home: Who We Are
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Our aim is to spread peace through our service to students and the community, with the intention of following the Prophetic character and thereby serving God.

Home: Who We Are
Home: What We Do
Family Activities


Weekly Halaqahs
Friday Prayers
Islam awareness week
Annual talks/seminars
Supporting local mosque and causes

University of Aberdeen
King's College
Aberdeen AB24 3FX

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